Selectmen OK Warrant Article to Study Town Infrastructure

The Hudson Board of Selectmen was presented with a citizen petition warrant article for an independent infrastructure study during its Dec. 12 meeting.

Hudson Town Administrator, Steve Malizia, explained that they were required to send it to the ballot, since it met the requirements. “It actually has more than the needed number of valid signatures of verified registered voters,” he said. While they didn’t have a choice about sending it to the ballot or not, Malizia noted that the Board of Selectmen had the chance to make a recommendation. “Basically, tonight you either recommend or not recommend the article,” Malizia said.
The article states:

“Should the Town of Hudson complete a comprehensive infrastructure study independently run by a qualified third-part[y] contractor unrelated to the Town of Hudson or the Nashua Regional Planning Commission? This study will include the following: Comprehensive traffic study and impact for the entire town to include all developments being built and approved to be built. Emergency services review of staffing, equipment, and training needed based on the facilities and anticipated demand from all the development. This includes, Police, Fire, and DPW. Impact on our schools based on the high-density housing and the housing development under construction. Sewer and water needs for the town. Review the current impact fees assigned to developers based on this study. The study results are expected to be used to upgrade and improve the Master Plan, Zoning ordinance, Land Use regulations, and to determine the impact to budgets/taxpayers and equipment/facilities/ staffing needed to function.”

Malizia explained that since there is no appropriation attached to it, they wouldn’t be able to spend any money on it. “So, what’s the point of putting it on the ballot?” Board of Selectmen Chair, Marilyn McGrath, asked.

Selectman, Kara Roy, added that she thought it was a good idea, but it’s essentially advisory.
The Board of Selectmen ultimately approved recommending the warrant article, with McGrath abstaining. She noted that she thought the warrant article was looking for more than what is laid out in the warrant article. “I think they actually intended something far more encompassing,” McGrath said.

This year’s Deliberative Session is scheduled to take place on Feb. 3 at 9 a.m., for the town, with the school district’s Deliberative Session slated to take place on Feb. 10 at 9 a.m. The town’s election is scheduled to take place this year on March 12.

The next Board of Selectmen meeting is slated to take place on Tuesday, Jan. 9 starting at 7 p.m.

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