Category Cover Photos

CPR 101

Wilbur H. Palmer Career & Technical Education Center Health and Science student, Michael Vatulli, demonstrates CPR during the school’s annual Open House last week. The school opened its doors to visitors on Wednesday night, Jan.22 See more photos pages 8…

Shirts Off Spirit

The students section of the Alvirne High School gymnasium bleachers was filled to capacity on Friday night supporting the Broncos Boys’ Basketball team. The AHS fans enjoyed a 54-43 victory over the Londonderry Lancers. See story on page 10. Photo…

Cold Covering

The recent cold snap has given Robinson Pond a complete covering of ice, making it possible to take advantage of skating and ice fishing. The state’s free fishing date will take place this Saturday, Jan. 18, it will be the…

Holiday Colors

The color guard members stand at attention during the National Anthem at the annual Wreath Across America ceremony held at Hills House in Hudson. The event took place on a cold and windy Saturday morning, Dec. 14. See more page…

Annual Arrival

Members of the Hudson Department of Public Works set up the five large wooden Toy Soldiers at Liberty Park early Monday morning. The soldiers were donated to the town in 1995 by the Hudson Chamber of Commerce and were originally…

Slow & Steady

Construction on the right lane of the Veterans Memorial Bridge is complete, leaving the left lane to be finished up. The completion of the project is expected to happen before the end of the year. Workers will move to the…

Request Delivered

Owen Marotte had a sizable list of requests for Santa, who made his annual stop at the St. Katheryn’s Christmas Bizaar. The event brings in hundreds of visitors to the church and acts as the biggest fundraiser. See more photos…

Wheelchair Patrol

Fourth grade student, Bryce Flaven, had a custom made Paw Patrol vehicle donated to him by the UNH Magic Wheelchair Club for his Halloween costume this year. Bryce was given a parade through the halls of Hills Garrison Elementary School.…

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