During the most recent meeting of the Hudson School Board, members reviewed and recommended three proposed warrant articles that would be funded by fund balance from last years budget.
One of the proposed warrant articles the board looked at was for a fire alarm system at Hudson Memorial School.
The proposed warrant article states:
“Shall the Hudson School District vote to raise and appropriate a sum of up to $75,000 to replace the fire alarm system at Hudson Memorial School? This sum is to come from the June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1 with no amount to be raised by additional taxation. This is a special warrant article.”
One change to the wording that was recommended by the School Board was to change the wording from fire alarm system to panel to better reflect what the warrant article is for. The School Board agreed to make the change.
The warrant article, if approved, would not have any tax rate impact and it was unanimously approved by the School Board.
Another warrant article that was discussed during the meeting was related to the installation of additional emergency alert beacons.
The warrant article reads:
“Shall the Hudson School District vote to raise and appropriate a sum of up to $63,800 to add additional emergency alert beacons throughout the district? This sum is to come from the June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1 with no amount to be raised by additional taxation. This is a special warrant article.”
Since the funds for the warrant article if approved would be coming from the June 30 fund balance, if approved by voters, this warrant article would also not have an estimated tax rate impact.
The School Board voted to recommend the warrant article.
The third warrant article discussed was in regards to the Science Labs at Hudson Memorial School.
The proposed warrant article states:
“Shall the Hudson School District vote to raise and appropriate a sum of up to $225,000 to upgrade two Science Classrooms/Labs at Hudson Memorial School? This sum is to come from the June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1 with no amount to be raised by additional taxation. This is a special warrant article.”
It was noted during the meeting, that since the funds for the warrant article would come from the end of the year fund balance, the warrant article wouldn’t have an estimated tax rate impact even if it’s approved by the voters in March.
The School Board unanimously approved recommending the warrant article during the meeting.
This year’s school district Deliberative Session is set to take place on Feb. 8 beginning at 9 a.m. with voting day set to take place on Tuesday, March 11.
The Hudson School Board is set to meet again on Jan. 6 beginning at 6:30 p.m.