The Hudson School Board had a preliminary discussion regarding proposed warrant articles during its Oct. 25 board meeting.
Two of the proposed warrant articles are currently placeholders, as the district is still negotiating contracts with two different collective bargaining units, one with the union representing the cafeteria personnel, part-time para educators, and part time licensed practical nurses. The other union represents school district building administration, department heads, psychologists, and school counselors
“That has not been finalized,” Superintendent, Daniel Moulis said.
One proposed warrant article, which was quickly voted on by School Board members to not move forward with, was a warrant article that stated:
“Shall the Hudson School District adopt the revisions to RSA 198:4-b, II enacted in 2020, which allows the District to retain up to 5% of the District’s net assessment in any year, allows the expenditure of any amount retained after the School Board first holds a public hearing, and further requires the School Board to include in the annual reporting of the retained fund balance in its annual report to the District.”
Warrant Article 8
“We’ll keep having it until they change the law again,” Business Administrator, Jennifer Burk, said about the decision by the School Board to remove the warrant article from consideration.
School Board member, Ethan Beals, said when the time comes they should look at potentially spending down some of the fund balance they currently have in the account.
Burk said they have two options, one to reduce the tax rate and the other is for emergencies, which would need to go through the education commissioner.
Another one of the proposed warrant articles was to ask voters whether or not they should raise and appropriate $250,000 to replace a section of the roof at the Dr. H.O. Smith Elementary School, which would have an estimated tax rate impact of 5 cents.
School Board member, Gary Gasdia, said he would rather use $250,000 from the capital reserve fund. “I don’t think we should have a tax rate impact,” he said.
The board agreed to make the change.
Another proposal was to raise $200,000 to upgrade two science classrooms/ labs at Hudson Memorial School.
“This is the second phase of two science classroom labs,” Moulis said.
He explained that the funds wouldn’t have any tax rate impact because the funds would come from the June 30 Fund Balance, which would become available on July 1.
Another proposed warrant article reads:
“Shall the Hudson School District vote to establish an Alvirne Farm Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1 for the purpose of repairing and maintaining the farm, furthermore to raise and appropriate the sum of $150,000 from the June 30 year end undesignated fund balance available for transfer on July 1 to be placed in this fund, and to name the Hudson School Board as agents to expend from the fund.”
Warrant Article 7
The warrant would have no tax impact, but members of the School Board asked to be provided with more information about what projects are lined up.
The School Board also voted to change the warrant article asking voters to approve a warrant article asking voters to approve spending $250,000 from the end of the year fund balance to renovate the former Checkers kitchen at Alvirne for the school’s food service program, instead of raising the funds.