The Hudson School Board held its annual reorganization meeting on March 18, which included the swearing in of its newest School Board member, Grace Kennedy.
Following the swearing-in ceremony, Maureen Dionne was quickly selected as the Chair of the School Board. She previously served as the Vice Chair.
Selected as the School Board’s Vice Chair was Mike Campbell, who was also elected unanimously by the rest of the Board.
Also during the meeting, the School Board decided on some of its committee positions.
One of the committees was for the negotiation committee for the Teachers Union contract. Campbell was selected, with one opening. He was also picked to be on the negotiations committee for the District Secretaries union, with one opening.
Dionne and School Board member, Ethan Beals, will both be continuing on the Strategic Planning Committee.
Representing the School Board on the Policy Committee, will be Dionne and Kennedy.
Beals and Dionne will be representing the School Board on the Capital Improvement Committee.
No decision was made on who would be on the budget Committee.
“We’ll bring that back for discussion,” Dionne said.
For the Alvirnee Trustees, Campbell said he would continue as the liaison with School Board member, Gary Gasdia, as an alternate. Gasdia will also be continuing as the Board of Selectmen liaison. He will also be the liaison for the Cable Utility Company committee.
Representing the School Board for the Diversity, Equity & inclusion meeting will be Beals and Kennedy.
Superintendent, Dan Moulis, suggested adding a new committee, which would be a Communications Committee.
“It’s something we had in my prior district as an advisory committee,” he said.
The School Board agreed to add it as a committee.
It was noted by Dionne that they would fill the rest of the committee positions at a future meeting.
Dionne also noted they reached out to the NH School Board Association for TA training, noting that they are going to try to schedule it in the coming weeks.
She said they haven’t done it for two years and with a new School Board member, she thinks that it would be beneficial to have training.
“I think the feedback is that we found [the training] helpful,” Dionne said.