Latest West Road Landfill Survey Reveals Violations

The Hudson Board of Selectmen received an update regarding the status of the West Road Landfill during its Sept. 3 meeting.
Earlier this year, Hudson Town Engineer, Elvis Dhima, explained that they learned that the town was in violation of its landfill cap.
The issue was discovered following a March vote, which voters approved, allowing a lease to be executed for the space which was being used by the Southern NH RC Club at the landfill for a potential solar farm.
A separate citizens petition warrant article was also approved by the voters to allow the Club to continue to use the space.
“This project, if executed, will require State permit approval and will be subject to the current landfill closure permit restrictions in place,” Dhima wrote in a previous memo about the solar field.
He explained that the solar farm project would be on the capped landfill area and will “include the top of the landfill, currently being used by an RC club.”
“Based on the testimony by the club members and available GIS imagery, it appears that construction activity related to the airfield took place without State or Board of Selectmen approval,” Dhima wrote in a previous memo. “Town staff at that time and present have no authority to approve any construction activity that contradicts the current landfill restrictions and conditions in place.
Dhima explained they hired a third party company to help them with the task, following approval by the Board of Selectmen in the summer to seek engineering and environmental services for the landfill.
He explained that the first phase was the surveying of the land and to see if there are any topographic changes to the landfill.
It was also explained by Dhima that the first phase has been completed, and showed not only was fill brought in that they are aware of, but also fill was removed in certain areas of the landfill, explaining that it means they reduced the cover of the membrane in certain areas.
At this point, Dhima said they are waiting for permission from the State to go forward with phase 2, which is to investigate the surface and the membrane in certain parts of the landfill.
He explained that they can’t do digging or anything to that nature until the town gets approval from the State about what they are going to do and how they are going to go about doing it.
Dhima told the Board of Selectmen that he thinks they will have everything they need to figure out what they should do next sometime in mid November.
“It appears at this time that there are some significant changes out there that is going to trigger another landfill closure permit for the town,” Dhima said.
He said the process is “still ongoing, still on schedule, still on budget.”
Selectman, Heidi Jakoby, explained that she was appreciative of getting an update.
“I appreciate knowing that (the) first phase was done,” she said.
Dhima said he will notify the School Board as soon as they find out more information from the State.

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