During the Wednesday night, Nov. 1, meeting of the GFWC (General Federation of Women’s Clubs) Hudson Women’s Club monthly meeting, members stuffed stockings with some supplies that are needed but not always available to U.S. Troops.
For over 10-years, GFWC Hudson has participated in Operation Care For Troops N.H. (OCTNH) at their November meetings. Members purchase items from the specific list OCTNH supplies and fill stockings.
For over 20-years, OCTNH has shipped the stockings overseas to our United States Soldiers, sending a little bit of home to let them know they are appreciated.
The stockings that were stuffed, along with many others, will ship out on Saturday, Nov. 11.
For more information on how to get involved, or to donate towards shipping, visit https://www.octnh.org.
The GFWC Hudson meets on the first Wednesday of every month, September through June (except January) at Rodgers Memorial Library, starting at 6:30 p.m. New members from the Hudson area are always welcome.
The group is part of an international organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. The GFWC was founded in1890.
Photos by Chris Paul