One of the agenda items during the most recent Hudson Board of Selectmen meeting, was in regards to a proposal for a payroll policy for the Town of Hudson.
It was explained during the meeting by Board of Selectmen Chair Bob Guessferd that there was a sub committee set up with Selectman Kara Roy and Selectman Heidi Jakoby to work on coming up with a policy.
“The Selectboard just asked we draft a simple town of Hudson payroll policy really dealing with reporting of time worked,” Jakoby said during the meeting.
Jakoby explained that herself and Roy looked at several policies and picked something straightforward to consider.
“It’s pretty simple and straightforward,” Roy said.
The proposed policy states the following:
All hourly employees are required to complete weekly timesheets, which will be reviewed and signed by their department head.
It is important that your time be accurately reported so that you are compensated for all the hours that you work. No one is authorized to complete your time sheet on your behalf, and falsification of time records could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination from employment.
If there are any changes needed to your weekly time sheet, then you must initial the change, indicating that you agree to the change and the accuracy of the change.
Your department head will provide you with details concerning your obligation to report all the time you have worked.
Work Week/Hours of Work
The Town’s work week begins on Sunday at midnight and ends on Saturday at 11:59 p.m. Because of the nature of our business, your work schedule may vary depending on your job and department. When hired, The Town will inform you of your hours of work. The Town reserves the right to alter or amend any employee’s work schedule at its own discretion and in accordance with the needs of the Town.
One concern raised during the meeting by Selectman David Morin was with the language regarding reserving the right to change hours, saying that a lot of the contracts specify the hours.
Jakoby explained that any of the union contracts would override the policy.
“Any of the contracts would supersede these policies,” Jakoby said.
Morin explained that he thinks they should add that language in the policy to make it clear.
It was explained by Jakoby that a lot of the policies for the Town are in the contracts.
“This is especially for non-contract workers,” Jakoby said.
Acting Town Administrator Steve Malizia said that they could add the language before the next meeting.
Guessferd suggested that they make the language in the policy to third person, by using the word employee throughout instead of having it in first person language.
“The content is really good,” Guessferd said.
The proposed policy was sent to a second reading.
The next Hudson Board of Selectmen meeting is not slated to take place until next year, on Jan. 14, beginning at 7 p.m.