Selectmen Still Search For New Town Administrator

At the Sept. 24 Hudson Board of Selectmen meeting, one of the agenda items was in regards to withdrawing funds from the Police Department Community Policing donation account.
It was explained by Hudson Police Chief, Tad Dionne, that they purchased different “swag” to give away to kids at different events such as National Night Out, Old Home Days, among other community events.
Dionne said they were looking to withdraw $4,727.75 from the account in order to purchase more Hudson Police Department merchandise, which was approved by the Board of Selectmen.
In personnel news, the Board of Selectmen approved a number of items during the non public session of its meeting, according to the minutes.
It includes approving a recommendation from HCTV Production Coordinator, Mike Johnson, to hire Cameron MacDonald as a part-time HCTV Assistant at the rate of $20 per hour for up to 20 hours a week.
Another decision was accepting the recommendation from Tax Collector, Christine Strout – Lizotte, to hire Heather Celeste for the position of Assistant Town Clerk/Tax Collector at a rate of $20.19 per hour.
The Board of Selectmen also approved moving fire captains//AEMT, Martin Conlon and Dennis Haerinck, to Step 4 on the Fire Captain wage. They will both move to Step 5 upon the next anniversary date of their promotion.
Additionally, the Board of Selectmen also approved the recommendation to move Fire Captain Training Officer, Kyle Levesque, to Step 4 on the Fire Captain Paramedic wage scale. He will move to Step 5 upon the next anniversary date of their promotion.
During liaison reports, Board of Selectmen Chair, Bob Guessferd, thanked James Michaud for his time as the Acting Town Administrator during the month of September. “I want to thank you publicly Jim for filling in for the month of September,” he said.
“I think we can all say we appreciate you stepping up and doing that,” he said.
Retired Town Administrator, Steve Malizia, took over as Acting Town Administrator for the month of October while they continue to search for a permanent Town Administrator.
It was also noted by Michaud that the hours for Halloween set by the Board of Selectmen decades ago was from 6 to 8 p.m. until when or if the Board of Selectmen changes it. Since they didn’t make any changes those will be the hours on Halloween.
“Halloween is right around the corner,” Michaud said.
The next Hudson Board of Selectmen meeting is slated to take place on Oct. 22 at 7 p.m.

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