During the Tuesday, Oct. 8 meeting of the Hudson Board of Selectmen an update was given on the progress made in finding the next Town Planner. A problem a number of towns in the state are having.
It was noted by Town Administrator, Steve Malizia, that they have made job postings three different times for the position since it’s became vacant, and they have not been able to hire anyone yet.
He noted they have advertised on different planning associations websites and elsewhere without much luck.
Malizia explained that for the first round they had 10 candidates, but after they went in front of the search committee for the position “none of the candidates warranted an interview based on our analysis of the candidates.”
For the second round of candidates, Malizia said they were able to identify one candidate who looked promising on paper, but it was ultimately decided that they didn’t think it was a good fit.
“We’ve had 19 candidates apply over the period of time,” Malizia said, noting that most of the candidates haven’t been what they are looking for.
Selectman, David Morin, said they aren’t the only town struggling to find someone for their planner position, saying he had watched the Londonderry Town Council meeting the night before, and they have been looking for a Town Planner for a while as well.
“It’s not just us,” Morin said about the struggles of finding a new Town Planner.
Malizia also noted that it seems like everytime someone says they may want to leave their employer, and they find out, they get offered more money.
“That seems to be part of the battle,” Malizia said.
He also noted that the position is part of a bargaining unit, so it means they don’t have a lot of room to pay more for the position.
“You have a range,” Malizia said about the pay for the position.
The question during the meeting was whether or not the town should use the company MRI to help them with their recruiting efforts like they have been doing for their Town Administrator search along with their search for an IT Director.
It was decided by the Board of Selectmen, to continue what they are doing for now, when it comes to their search.
Malizia said they could refresh the job posting again.
“Like the town administrator, hopefully the right person will walk in,” he said.
The next Hudson Board of Selectmen meeting is slated to take place on Oct. 22 at 7 p.m.