School District Look at 2,954 Students Enrolled as of Oct. 1

As the School District gets closer to putting together their budget for the next fiscal year, enrollment numbers were refined and presented to the School Board at its most recent meeting, on Oct. 1.
It was noted by Superintendent, Dan Moulis, that the enrollment was fairly stable since they had an update during the summer.
In total, the enrollment for the School District was 2,954 students, which is slightly higher than it was when the School Board received a briefing on Aug. 26.
As of Aug. 26, there were 2,941 students enrolled.
“Some slight increases in kindergarten and grade one,” Moulis said about the increases since August’s enrollment update.
For pre-K, the enrollment is 99 students, for kindergarten, the enrollment as of Oct. 1 was 190 students compared to 187 students in August, for first grade, the enrollment is 201 students, which is up from the 197 students in August, second grade has 194 students, down from 197 in August, and third grade had 230 students enrolled as of Oct.1, compared to 227 in August.
The enrollment for fourth grade as of Oct. 1 was 221 students, compared to 225 in August, fifth grade had 171 students enrolled in October, compared to 173 in August, sixth grade had 192 students enrolled both in August and in October, while seventh grade had 237 students enrolled Oct. 1, compared to 236 in August. Eighth grade had 226 students enrolled on Oct. 1, compared to the 223 students enrolled in August.
As previously pointed out, there will be less than 1,000 students enrolled at Alvirne High School this year, at least as of now.
For ninth grade, there was 242 students enrolled, compared to 241 students in August, tenth grade had 238 students as of Oct.1, compared to 234 students enrolled in August, eleventh grade had 249 students enrolled as of Oct. 1, compared to the 250 students enrolled in August, and there were 264 seniors enrolled as of Oct. 1. compared to 260 students enrolled in August.
It was noted by Moulis that the Oct. 1 enrollment numbers would be what is used for budgeting purposes.
The School Board was also presented with a budget transfer request.
The budget transfer request was to move $21,211.63 from the Farm Revolving Supplies account, which had over $60,000 in it, to the Farm Revolving Equipment Replacement account.
“I bring this forward to the School Board for their review,” Moulis told the School Board.
Moulis explained that there is some repair work that needs to be done at the farm, and they were looking to use the funds to do it.
It was unanimously approved by the School Board.
The next School Board meeting is slated to take place on Oct. 21 beginning at 6:30 p.m.

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