One of the agenda items at the most recent Hudson School Board meeting was in regards to the updated proposed warrant articles for the School Board to review.
As of now, one of the proposed warrant articles would be the proposed operating budget which would be a total of $69,521,535.
The Default Budget as of now would be $69,041,735.
“The estimated tax impact for the proposed budget would be 10 cents,” Superintendent, Dan Moulis, said.
School Board member, Ethan Beals, said his preference was to have a full school board present before they move any warrant articles forward.
It was explained by School Board Chair, Maureen Dionne, that she agreed that they should wait until they have a full board present before making any decisions on the warrant articles, but noted that they wouldn’t have a full school board present again until the first meeting in December.
Another warrant article would be for the fire alarm system replacement at Hudson Memorial School.
Moulis explained that it was removed from the proposed budget, and instead, the School Board suggested making it a separate warrant article.
“That has been added now as a separate warrant article,” Moulis said.
The warrant article states: “Shall the Hudson School District vote to raise and appropriate a sum of up to $75,000 to replace the fire alarm system at Hudson Memorial School? This sum is to come from the June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1 with no amount to be raised by additional taxation. This is a special warrant article.”
Another budget item removed from the proposed budget, which would become a separate warrant article instead is for the installation of additional emergency alert beacons.
The warrant article states: “Shall the Hudson School District vote to raise and appropriate a sum of up to $63,800 to add additional emergency alert beacons throughout the district? This sum is to come from the June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1 with no amount to be raised by additional taxation. This is a special warrant article.”
Another change made to the draft warrant articles was in regards to increasing the amount for the science labs at Hudson Memorial School from $200,000 to $225,000, which was discussed before. Moulis noted the increase is due to increased costs.
The proposed warrant article as of now states: “Shall the Hudson School District vote to raise and appropriate a sum of up to $225,000 to upgrade two Science Classrooms/Labs at Hudson Memorial School? This sum is to come from the June 30 fund balance available for transfer on July 1 with no amount to be raised by additional taxation. This is a special warrant article.”
No decisions on the warrant articles were made during the meeting.