The Hudson School Board had a first reading for an updated policy related to access to Public School Programs by Non-Public, Charter School, and Home Educated Pupils during its May 6 meeting.
“All pupils residing in the district, whether they are home educated, or are attending public chartered school or nonpublic schools (collectively, “non-enrolled district students”), shall have access to curricular courses and co/extra-curricular programs offered by the district in accordance with RSA 193:1-c,” the proposed policy states.
The proposed policy states that “non-enrolled district students will have the same access as enrolled students to the district’s courses and programs. Non-enrolled district students shall not be subject to any policies, procedures or standards with respect to participation in the district’s courses or programs that are more restrictive than those governing the district’s enrolled students.”
The proposed policy states that students not enrolled in the District “must meet the same eligibility criteria as the district’s students as described in paragraph B below.”
“The district allows non-enrolled district students to participate on an equal basis in courses and programs offered by the district provided they meet the eligibility requirements for participation (e.g., deadlines for registration, academic progress/performance, parental permission, third party (e.g., NHIAA) requirements, physical exams/health requirements, etc.),” the proposed policy states.
As part of the proposed policy, it states that “In the event that a course or program has reached capacity, selection between enrolled students and non-enrolled district students must be made using the same criteria, such as registration deadlines, registration dates, audition/tryout, seniority by grade, etc. If, after applying such criteria the course/program remains overenrolled, the determination should be made randomly.”
The proposed policy also outlines the procedure for the use of school texts and library materials.
“Non-enrolled district students will be permitted to use the school library, borrow school texts and borrow library materials under the same conditions and rules as pupils enrolled in the district,” the proposed policy states.
The proposed policy also states that “In order to participate in district activities, non-enrolled district students must:
- Meet the eligibility criteria for participation in the activity that apply to students enrolled in
the school district, with the exception of school attendance. - Meet any tryout criteria or their equivalent for participation in the activity that apply to students enrolled in the school district (see School Board policy JJA); and
- Comply with all policies, rules and regulations or their equivalent of the governing organization of the activity (see School Board policy JJA).”
“Non-enrolled district students participating in district co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are subject to the same fees charged for enrolled students for the activity,” the proposed policy states.
The School Board sent the proposed policy to a second reading without any proposed changes.
The next Hudson School Board meeting is set to take place on May 20.