School Board Approve Districts Conduct on School Property Policy

At the most recent Hudson School Board meeting, one of the updated policies approved was in regards to conduct on school property.
“The purpose of this policy is to establish a minimum standard of conduct upon school district property, and during school-sponsored events or approved activities that will provide the best possible educational climate for the students; encourage participation in the educational process by the general public; protect the investment of the public in both the educational process and the physical plant in which it is conducted; and honor and protect the rights of all individuals within the community,” the updated policy states.
As part of the updated policy, it states that “While this policy applies generally to conduct by any and all persons on school property, additional policies, rules, regulations, or procedures will apply (1) as to certain defined groups (e.g., JIC regarding student conduct); (2) for visits during the school day (e.g., KI school visitors); or (3) during other specific activities or times (e.g., KF regarding use of school facilities).”
The policy also outlines a number of things that are considered prohibited conduct including:

  1. Injure, threaten, bully, harass, or intimidate a student, staff member, sports official, coach, or any other person;
  2. Engage in behaviors that are harassing or discriminatory in nature based on a person’s actual or perceived age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, familial status, disability, religion, national origin race, or color (including those traits historically associated with race, color or religion, including but not limited to head coverings, hair texture, or protective hairstyles);
  3. Impede, delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with any school function or any activity sponsored or approved by the Board, the Superintendent, building Principal, Athletic Director, or their designees;
  4. Damage or threaten to damage another’s property;
  5. Damage or deface School District property;
  6. Smoke or otherwise use tobacco products;
  7. Consume, possess, distribute, or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs/controlled substances; (persons known or suspected to be under the influence of liquor or a controlled substance will not be permitted to enter the school building or grounds, and law enforcement may be contacted);
  8. Use, or attempt to use, or threaten to use any device, instrument, material, or substance (“prohibited object” with the purpose to injure, threaten, intimidate, or coerce another person; for the purposes of this section, any reckless use of any prohibited object which places or may place another in danger of serious bodily injury is also prohibited;
    NOTES: while students are prohibited from possessing firearms on school property under Board policy JICI and RSA 193:13), mere possession or displaying of a firearm by non-student adults shall not, in and of itself and without additional circumstances as described in this paragraph, constitute reckless conduct or a violation of this policy;
  9. Enter upon any portion of school property at any time for purposes other than those that are lawful and specifically authorized by the Board, the Superintendent, building Principal, Athletic Director, or their designees;
  10. Operate (either upon or over school property) a drone or other unmanned aircraft without prior consent from a building administrator.
  11. Violate any state law or regulation, or any duly adopted policy and/or regulation of the Board.
  12. Violate any federal law with the exception of any such law that is pre-empted by New Hampshire state law (e.g., RSA 159-E pertaining to firearms, etc.);
  13. Operate a motor vehicle in violation of any Authorized District Personnel directive or posted road signs.
  14. Refuse to comply with or obey a directive of any Authorized District Personnel or posted rules or regulations.

Under enforcement and consequences the policy states that “Any person who violates this policy or any other acceptable standard of behavior may be ordered to leave school grounds by Authorized Personnel, who may, also at her/his discretion, contact law enforcement. Students and employees who violate this policy shall be further subject to such administrative regulations.”
“Additionally, the Board authorizes the Superintendent or his/her designee to issue “no trespass” letters to any person whose conduct violates this policy. The Superintendent is further authorized, upon consultation with district counsel, to file any criminal complaint with respect to such violations,” the policy states.

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