Report Shows Suspensions Up from Prior Year at HMS

During the correspondence portion of the Aug. 19 Hudson School Board meeting, the School Board discussed the June discipline report for the various different schools across the district.
Hudson Superintendent, Dan Moulis, explained that they had a comparison from June 2023 and June 2024, saying that they specifically have “some increases noted at Hudson Memorial School.”
“There’s definitely an increase from the prior year,” Moulis explained during the meeting.
According to the report, the increases were specifically for suspensions.
In June 2023, they had 10 in school suspensions, while in June 2024 they had 15 total in school suspensions for Memorial School.
For out of school suspensions, they had five out of school suspensions in June 2023 and in June 2024, they had 15 out of school suspensions.
Another school pointed out was Alvirne High School, which had one in school suspensions for both June 2023 and June 2024, according to the report.
For out of school suspensions at Alvirne High School, they had four in both June 2023, and June 2024.
At the Early Learning Center -Library Street, there was one out of school suspension for one day in June of this year, compared to none last year.
Hills Garrison saw a decrease this June with just one out of school suspension compared to two last year during the month of June.
The school had three in school suspensions this June compared to last year when they had zero.
Moulis explained that it is important that they continue to provide the updates to the public to help inform everyone.
“Just so the board and the community can see the updates in live time,” he said about the monthly discipline report updates that they give at the meetings.
School Board member, Gary Gasdia, said he thinks its important as well, and he appreciates receiving the reports for transparency purposes.
“Last year the big addition was the trending data, which I think is great,” he said.
One thing he said he hopes to see for the upcoming year is more context “for when we have those large numbers, those large spikes.”
For example, he said if something happens such as a big fight, they could note that versus if there are many individual incidents.
“I think what those themes are also talks to the seriousness of it,” Gasdia explained during the meeting.
The next School Board meeting is slated to take place on Sept. 9 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Hills Memorial Library.

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