Musquash Pond Set for Invasive Plant Removal This Summer

The Hudson Conservation Commission met on April 8 by welcoming John Walter, their newest full-time member.
“I’ve been in town for 20 years,” said Walter. “I hope to accomplish what’s best for the town here in terms of conserving land while attempting to maintain it as best we can.”
Walter’s term runs through December 2027, and his decision to volunteer gave the Conservation Commission a full complement of voting members. It still has one unfilled position for an alternate member.
Members also received a written packet from Eric Radlof of Full Circle Forestry on the topic of invasive species treatment plans at Musquash Pond.
“Out on the trail systems, we have a lot of Japanese knotweeds,” said Commission Chair, William Collins. “We’ve been out numerous times to cut it, but it’s a species that just pops right back up. Last year we talked about treating it chemically to suppress it. Hopefully that will keep it down for a little bit to come.”
“Personally, I’d rather have somebody go out and chemically treat it and get rid of it,” stated member, Brian Pinsonneault, agreeing that cutbacks had not been working.
The work is set to begin in early summer before July and will last throughout late September and early October when the knotweed is still in bloom.
“Is there any concern about the herbicide that they use getting into the watershed or any potential effects it might have? asked Walter.
According to Radlof, the chemicals are “pet friendly withing 24 hours” and should not be toxic to the watershed. Collins confirmed the chemicals were “approved by the NH Department of Agriculture.”
The Commission approved having the Chair and Hudson Town Engineer Elvis Dhima sign with Full Circle Forestry to start the process of weed removal.
Recently, the Commission sent letters to several landowners of undeveloped land around the northern part of Robinson Pond to see who might be interested in selling their land to the town of Hudson for conservation.
“Hopefully we hear back,” said Collins. “You don’t know until you ask, we’re always on the hunt.”
Preserving as much land as possible around the pond has been a longstanding goal for the Commission, with money set aside for future purchases.
Collins also contacted the Financial Department to update the Commission’s financial reports, although the process was still ongoing. He noticed that the Forestry Management Fund was showing a balance of negative $28,185.
“It shouldn’t show that, it should show a positive flow!” he said, promising to try clearing up the issue by the May meeting. The negative balance was not the first time a fund overseen by the Commission has had to deal with a financial report showing outdated or inaccurate numbers.
The Hudson Conservation Commission is scheduled to meet again on Monday, May 13, at 7 p.m. in the Buxton Room of Town Hall.

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