The Hudson Board of Selectmen made a number of personnel decisions during the non-public session of its July 23 meeting, according to the draft minutes of the meeting.
One of those decisions was related to who will be the next director for HCTV Director, following James McIntosh, previously announcing he would soon be retiring.
During the meeting, the Board of Selectmen unanimously approved appointing current HCTV Production Coordinator, Michael Johnson, to the position of HCTV Director of Community Media with a starting date of Oct. 1. He will be paid an annual salary of $71,000.
Another decision made during the non-public session was to appoint Donna Melanson as the Deputy Tax Collector, which was recommended by Hudson Tax Collector, Christine Strout-Lizotte.
The Board of Selectmen also unanimously approved appointing Donna Melanson as the Deputy Town Clerk, which was also recommended by Strout-Lizotte.
During the Selectmen liaison reports, Selectman, Heidi Jakoby, raised concerns regarding various open positions in town, asking that moving forward they have updates during their meetings about open positions they have including the Town Planner position “and possibly other ways or other things that we might need to do to continue to find applicants.”
She noted that they had accepted a resignation earlier in the evening, and that they may want to look at different ways to try to recruit candidates for various positions.
“We had another resignation this evening, and I think it’s just a different world out there as far as recruiting,” Jakoby said. “As a Board, we may want to discuss other options for that.”
Jakoby also asked for Selectmen to make sure public input is occurring at meetings that they attend as liaisons for different boards and commissions.
“I’m asking my fellow Selectmen to please continue to ensure that public input is addressed at all public meetings going forward,” Jakoby said during her liaison report.
During the March election, voters overwhelming approved a citizen petition warrant article which stated:
“Should the town require any public board, committee, or general public meeting, to include time for public input regarding anything that board or committee has control over at the start of each meeting? This will offer consistent and reliable opportunities for citizens to express their thoughts, insights, concerns, thanks, and ideas, which will foster understanding and transparency.”
Jakoby also asked that during a meeting in August they have an agenda item related to the town’s website and social media policy.