Four Warrant Articles Get Ok’d by Board of Selectmen

The Hudson Board of Selectmen reviewed a number of different proposed warrant articles, during its most recent meeting.
One of those proposed warrant articles was related to the Lowell Road and Birch Street Intersection improvements.
The proposed warrant article states:
“Shall the Town of Hudson vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,005,000 for construction of intersection improvements? This project will be funded $1,604,000 (80%) from NHDOT federal grant and $401,000 from the Lowell Road Corridor Fund, Zone I and Zone 2. This is a Special Warrant Article, per RSA 32:3 VI, reflecting an appropriation that will not lapse until the monies are expended, or June 30, 2030, whichever is the earliest. This appropriation is in addition to Article “A”, the Operating Budget.”
If approved the warrant article wouldn’t have any tax impact.
The Board of Selectmen voted in favor of putting forward the warrant article.
Another warrant article reviewed by the Board of Selectmen was in regards to improvements to the Robinson Pond boat launch and beach area.
The proposed warrant article states:
“Shall the Town of Hudson vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $500,000 for construction of Robinson Pond Improvements? This project will include improvements at the boat launch and beach area. These funds are a match to a state grant which will match the funds raised by the town. This is a Special Warrant Article, per RSA 32:7 VI, reflecting an appropriation that will not lapse until the monies are expended, or June 30, 2031, whichever is the earliest.”
The estimated tax rate impact would be approximately 10 cents, if it is approved by the voters.
Selectman David Morin, said the warrant article would allow voters to decide whether or not they should move forward with it.
Members of the board approved moving the warrant article forward.
A third warrant article reviewed during the meeting, was to raise funds for a property revaluations to be conducted.
The warrant article states:
“Shall the Town of Hudson vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 which will be added to the Property Revaluation Capital Reserve Fund as previously established in March 2008?”
Malizia stated that up to every five years, they have to reevaluate the town, and the money from the warrant article would go towards the funds to help make sure they have a sufficient amount of capital to complete it.
The estimated tax impact would be less than one cent.
The warrant article was moved forward, during the meeting.
In addition, the Board of Selectmen approved moving forward with a warrant article for the VacCon Truck Capital Reserve Fund.
“The Municipal Utility Committee requests Board consideration to include a warrant article, as part of the FY 2025 budget, to fund the VacCon Truck Capital Reserve Fund with $30,000. $15,000 to come from the Sewer Utility Fund and $15,000 from the Town General Fund,” Chairman, Municipal Utility Committee Chair Dan O’Brien wrote in a memo.
He also said “The Committee requests monies for the reserve, so that the funds will be available to purchase a new truck when needed.”
The warrant article states: “Shall the Town of Hudson vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 which will be added to the VacCon Truck Replacement Capital Reserve Fund as previously established in March 2006? $15,000 of this sum will come from the General Fund and $15,000 will come from the Sewer Utility Fund.”
If approved there would be no tax impact.

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