Annual Combined State of the Town Meeting Set For Feb. 18

During the most recent Hudson School Board meeting, one of the agenda items was in regards to when the annual State of the Town meeting would be.
It was explained previously by School Board Chair Maureen Dionne that they had a warrant article a couple of years ago that passed that requires them and the Board of Selectmen to have an annual State of the Town meeting.
She explained that they have different variations on how they have done it, including having a brief Q+A and then focused questions, and how they did it last year which was more of an informal conversation.
Previously the School Board has discussed how they would like to handle it this year or if anyone had any particular preferences on how they handle it.
Board member Ethan Beals previously said that he “strongly prefers the more informal,” meeting style.
School Board Vice Chair Mike Campbell, said he also preferred the more informal way of doing it.
Beals also noted that the feedback they had received is that people preferred the informal options.
“I think the feedback was also positive the last few years,” Dionne said.
Dionne said she has been in contact with Board of Selectmen Chair Bob Guessferd saying that they are still working out the details, times, and location, but said they were looking to have it on Feb. 18.
“I just wanted to try to solidify a date,” she said.
The School Board agreed to the date.
Also during the meeting, the School Board was presented with a travel request for DECA.
“We are requesting permission for our DECA students to attend the annual state DECA Career Development Conference on Feb. 12 – 14, 2025 We will leave for the conference after school on Wednesday and return on Friday before the end of the school day,” a memo to the School Board stated.
It explained in the memo that “Students participate in the annual conference with other DECA members from the state during a 3-day, two-night stay at the Double Tree Hotel in Manchester, NH.”
“At this event, DECA members compete in various business events,” the memo stated. ” These activities provide students with the opportunity to gain valuable real world business experience during their role play competitions with NH business professionals. Students also gain the chance to interact with other business students across the state to build lasting relationships with students with similar interests. Lastly, students that place in the top 3 of their categories are eligible for several scholarships through the national and local DECA organization.”
It was also noted in the memo that the cost per student is approximately $250 per member.
“This amount will be paid through fundraising and student/family contributions,” the memo stated.
The School Board unanimously approved the request during the meeting.
In other news, during the Board meeting, the School Board was presented with a number of stipend requests for the spring sports season at Hudson Memorial School.
One of the stipend requests was for Hudson Memorial School baseball coach Jeff Nichols, and the other one was for Hudson Memorial School softball coach Meghan Radziewicz.
Both of those requests were approved by the School Board.

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