$2 Million Warrant Article Proposed for Intersection

At the most recent Hudson Board of Selectmen meeting, one of the agenda items was in regards to a proposed warrant article to make improvements to the Lowell Road and Birch Street intersection.
“The Town has been informed that the proposed project for the construction of intersection improvements to the Lowell Road and Birch Street intersection did not make it onto the 10-year State Highway Plan,” Town Engineer Elvis Dhima wrote in a memo to the Board of Selectmen. “As 80 percent of the funding for this project was coming from a NHDOT Federal grant, the Town cannot afford to pay for the project without the grant. Based on this information, the Board of Selectmen should withdraw Warrant Article “E” from the FY 2026 Warrant.”
It was explained by Dhima that they were recommending that they remove the warrant article.
The proposed warrant article states:
Shall the Town of Hudson vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,005,000 for construction of intersection improvements? This project will be funded $1,604,000 (80 percent) from NHDOT federal grant and $401,000 from the Lowell Road Corridor Fund, Zone 1 and Zone 2. This is a Special Warrant Article, per RSA 32:3 VI, reflecting an appropriation that will not lapse until the monies are expended, or June 30, 2030, whichever is the earliest. This appropriation is in addition to Article “A”, the Operating Budget.”
Board of Selectmen Vice Chair Dillon Dumont however, said that he thinks they should defer any action to January, or possibly even keep it on as a warrant article, with the hope of possibly finding the funding somewhere else for the project, instead of receiving funds from the State.
Dumont also explained that by having it on the ballot, they would have a number of years to receive the funding, and that it would also be a good way to gauge the support in the Town.
The Board of Selectmen agreed to defer any action for now on the proposed warrant article.
In other news, during the meeting, the Board of Selectmen approved different nominations for boards and committees.
One of the appointments was for Robert Larson who was looking to become a full time member on the Sustainability Committee. His position is set to expire in April 2025.
Another appointment that the Board of Selectmen made during the meeting was for Gary Daddario, an incumbent member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) who was looking to re appointed to the Board. His term on the Board is now set to expire in December 2027.
Dumont who serves as the liaison for the ZBA said he was supporting Daddario to be reappointed to the ZBA.
“Gary’s a valued member, he does a terrific job running the meetings, he’s very knowledgeable, he does his homework so very happy to see he re-applied,” Dumont said.
Selectman Kara Roy said she also agreed with the comments made by Dumont.

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