School Board Addresses Use of Tobacco Products

During the most recent Hudson School Board meeting, one of the agenda items was in regard to a first reading for the District’s updated policy on “Prohibitions Regarding Use and Possession of Tobacco products, E-Cigarettes and E-Liquids in and on School Facilities and Grounds.”
As part of the proposed updated policy, it states that “State law prohibits the use of any tobacco product, e-cigarette, or liquid nicotine in any facility or upon any grounds maintained by the district.”
“Students and minors are further prohibited from possessing such items in or upon any facility, school vehicle, or grounds owned or maintained by the district,” the proposed policy states.
The proposed policy states that “No student shall purchase, attempt to purchase, possess or use any tobacco product, device, e-cigarette, e-liquid, or liquid nicotine in any facility, in any school building or vehicle, or anywhere on school grounds maintained by the district.”
It also states as part of the proposed policy that students are also subject to the provisions of D.2, which states “Enforcement of the prohibition against students shall initially rest with building principals, or their designees, who may also report any violation to law enforcement, for possible juvenile, criminal or other proceedings as provided under state law. Additional consequences may be administered pursuant to printed student conduct rules.”
Under the employees’ section of the proposed policy, it states that “No employee shall use any tobacco product, device, e-cigarette, e-liquid, or liquid nicotine, in any facility, in any school building or vehicle, or anywhere on school grounds maintained by the district.”
“Initial responsibility for enforcement of this prohibition shall rest with building principals, or their designees,” the proposed policy states. “Any employee(s) who violate(s) this policy is subject to disciplinary action which may include warning, suspension or dismissal. Violations may also be referred to appropriate law enforcement and/or other appropriate agencies for criminal or other proceedings as provided under state law.”
As part of the proposed policy, it also states that the “Superintendent shall establish administrative rules and procedures to implement this policy, which rules and procedures may be building level and/or district-wide. Rules and procedures relating to student violations and resulting disciplinary consequences should be developed in consultation with building principal(s).”
“The Superintendent, working with the building principal(s), shall provide annual notice to employees, students and parents of the pertinent provisions of this policy (e.g., student or staff handbook) along with applicable administrative regulations and procedures, which may include prescribed consequences for violations of this policy,” the proposed policy states. “Such notice should include information that violation of this policy could lead to criminal or other such proceedings.”
It also states that “Signs shall be placed by the district in all buildings, facilities and school vehicles stating that the use of tobacco products is prohibited.”
The policy was sent to a second reading by the School Board.
The next School Board meeting is set for Aug. 5.

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